Monday, March 31, 2008

This week's agenda

Monday: Begin Southern blot, innoculate culture sets for research, study for Stats, find/copy article for Genetics, design primers for assay development

Tuesday: Hybridize southern blot, Stats exam, Prep/run growth curves for research, innoculate 2nd set of cultures, make media, compile notebook, begin stuhealth testing

Wednesday: Southern blot detection, read growth curves, prep/run 2nd set of growth curves, complete stuhealth testing, format paper sources, study for Genetics and Techniques

Thursday: Read growth curves, work on assay development, work on notebook, study for Genetics/Techniques, begin stuhealth testing

Friday: Genetics and Techniques exams, complete stuhealth testing, clean lab, sub cultures, drive to Canyon to see my sweet sister :)

In between: Class, workout, fix the car, pay bills (eek), whatever else comes up!!

That was more for my own good - because it means almost nothing to anyone else and I didn't really have a plan yet! (and we all know that unfortunately not all of that stuff is going to get done.) I suppose the whole point of doing this on the blog is to partially explain my lack of substantial posting. I'll be back in May...
