I'm alive and well in Rochester, MN! Life is good, we're all settled in, and have completed our orientation (thank GOD). Life has slowed considerably and the whirlwind of class/finals/papers/projects/work/packing/moving/whateva has finally begun to die down.
For those who may not know, I'm ALMOST done with my degree. 8 weeks of interning at the Mayo Clinic and 40 pages of research manuscript until I'll officially be Stacie Gasser, Master of Science in Molecular Pathology. Then I get to sit for the certification exams. (yuck) This year has quite possibly been the most ridiculous and stressful of them all, but it's almost over and for that I'm thankful.
I'm back to feeling like myself -- keeping a regular workout schedule, eating (relatively) healthy, reading for pleasure, smiling more of the time, and generally being more secure in being me. All-in-all I'm getting to rearrange my priorities so that they're back where I like them to stay!
Still no job, future remains uncertain. I won't get into it because I'm tired of thinking/talking about it - I'm just trying to 'be' for a little bit and see where life takes me.
So, world, I'm back. It feels good!