Between April and August, I will have flown on a total of 13 airplanes. I'm between numbers 5 and 6 at the moment. I can't help but people watch when I'm around crowds, and I have a few public service announcements:
1) I don't care who you are, you look like a douchebag when wearing your sunglasses indoors. Especially with your too-cool ball cap with the sticker still attached and your popped collar. Call me a hater, maybe I am -- but I still think you look like an idiot.
2) This one applies more to Texans than anyone else; but please, for decency sake, DO NOT bring your Dr. Pepper bottle aboard the airplane to use as a dip cup. It's disgusting, especially when you're stuck in such close proximity. If you can't survive an hour and a half flight without your nicotine fix, at least use something I can't see through while you do it. Seriously. Gross.
3) Please, please, PLEASE stop yelling into your cell phone. I realize the person on the other line may not be able to hear you, but everyone within a 20 foot radius can...and if the other party can't hear you in the first place, why drag on a 25 minute conversation? When you're yelling over the music in my headphones, it's getting bad.
That's the end of my rant... ;)
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